Ovid's Game

Origin of Game: Before 8 AD (Jesus was a boy).
Players: 2
Pieces: One player has three dark color pieces. The other player has three light color pieces. (Note: Any two different colors may be used.)Board Design: A three by three square, for a total of nine circles.
Objective: The first player to line up three pieces in a straight line in any direction wins (horizontal or vertical along the lines connecting any three circles).
How to Play:
Either player may go first. On future games the players should take turns going first.
The players take turns placing one of their three original pieces on any open circle on the board. If a player forms a straight line of three pieces then the player wins. Otherwise, after both players have placed all three of their pieces on the board, the players take turns moving one of their own pieces into one of the open circles on the board. A piece may only be moved one space at a time, either horizontally or vertically. A piece may not jump another piece. Movement must be along one of the straight lines connecting the circles.
Winning: The first player to line up three of his or her own pieces along any straight line connecting three circles wins.
Version One: No diagonal moves are allowed.
Version Two: Diagonal moves are only allowed through the center circle. Winning may occur in a straight line through the center circle.
Version Three: Diagonal moves are allowed through the center circle and across the straight lines connecting the circles on the outside of the square. Winning the game must still be done in a single straight line that connects three circles and not through a bent line that connects three circles.
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