Saturday, June 16, 2012

El-Quirkat or Alquerque

El-Quirkat Game BoardName of Game: El-Quirkat (Arabia), Alquerque (Spain)
Origin of Game: Arabia, before 1400 B.C.
Players: 2
Pieces: One player has twelve dark color pieces. The other player has twelve light color pieces. (Note: Any two different colors may be used.)
Board Design: A five by five square, for a total of twenty-five positions.
Objective: To capture as many of the other player's pieces as possible.
How to Play:
The game board is always set up in the illustrated starting position. The center square is the only empty square at the beginning of the game.
Either player may go first. On future games the players should take turns going first.
Each player then takes a turn moving one of his or her pieces. A piece may be moved one space horizontally, or vertically, or diagonally, including forwards and backwards. A player cannot jump over one of his or her own pieces.
The objective is to jump over and capture your opponent's pieces, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. You can jump more than one piece on your move as long as you jump your opponent's pieces one at a time and there is an open space to land on at the end of each of your jumps. On multiple jumps, the next jump does not have to be in a straight line with the first jump. The jumped pieces are captured and they are removed from the game board.
Winning: When both players have taken seven moves each, and no jumping or capturing has taken place, then the game is over. The player who has captured the most pieces wins.

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